Groundbreakers, Love Bomb, Lovement

What Is A Love Bomb, Exactly?

At Reload Love, we’ve adopted a different sort of creative vernacular in order to express what it is – exactly – that we do.

We speak of this “movement” as a “Lovement” because we believe that love is at the heart of our mission for these children.

We’ve co-opted and redeemed the idea of a “bomb” by replacing what usually invokes violent associations with the love that we intend to extend.

But it begs the question: What IS a “Love Bomb?”

Every year around Valentine’s Day, we hold a forty-eight-hour virtual fundraiser, when we invite people – locally, nationally and internationally – to become soldiers of love, and to put their money where their prayers are.

Each February, churches and individuals around the world have partner with us by bringing the Love Bomb to their congregation.

The gifts that pour in during this time help heal and bring aid to little ones who have been affected by the ugliness of terrorism.

If you are a church leader, or an organizational overseer, or – simply – and individual looking to give: click here to receive details about how to become a Reload Love partner.

We believe that one small action makes an enormous difference in the lives of these kids, and we rally people like you to fight beside us, wielding the most powerful weapon of all: your heart.

Click here to join and pledge toward our Love Bomb campaign today.