Our Goal: $200,000.00

Our Progress: $44,478.74

Progress 22.3%

Time left to give!

48-hour Love Bomb fundraiser this weekend only February 15-16 2025

The ongoing violence of war has become the soundtrack of childhood for children in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. But amid the violence and suffering, God is opening doors. Donations given to Reload Love during Love Bomb weekend will fund highlighted projects like the ones below.

 2025 Project Focus

Basic Newborn Needs | $54,000 for 20 Families

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Basic Newborn Needs | $54,000 for 20 Families

Abortion is tragically common in Israel, and the chaos of war has added to the challenges pregnant moms face, causing even more women to consider it. To combat this tragedy, our in-country partner helps moms choose life by providing a free one-year supply of everything for their babies—from diapers and formula to a crib.

Child, Youth, and Orphan Ministry | $100,000

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Child, Youth, and Orphan Ministry | $100,000

Children in the Palestinian territories need the love of Jesus, and this year God has opened a door for Reload Love to work with partners in the West Bank who impact Gaza. This project will help fund church ministries like an orphanage, a summer youth camp, and child ministry and education.

Bomb Shelter Renovations | $35,000 for 14 Shelters

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Bomb Shelter Renovations | $35,000 for 14 Shelters

Sadly, many bomb shelters in Israel are in a terrible state of disrepair, giving many families with children no choice but to remain in unsafe areas as sirens warn of incoming rocket attacks. This project will renovate up to fourteen shelters in Northern Israel, providing protection and safety for children and their families.

Emergency Fund | $11,000 | As Needs Arise

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Emergency Fund | $11,000 | As Needs Arise

New needs may arise, and established projects may expand, so we are preparing to assist ministry partners like these with new or expanded projects that support children impacted by terrorism.

Love Bomb 2025 48-Hour Fundraiser Goal: $200,000

Recap of love heard ‘round the world in previous years!

2024 Recap

Thank you for your generosity.

We exceeded our $200,000 goal Love Bomb weekend
(February 10-11, 2024)

This year’s highlighted project will work with partners to provide relief supplies and other essentials for children in Israel and expanding our reach to the borders of Egypt at the Rafah Gate who are caught in the crossfire.

The terror attacks of October 7, 2023, and the war on Israel have caused overwhelming trauma for these innocent children. Many have lost a loved one, and most of those living near the Gaza border were forced to flee their homes. But the conflict is not over, and these precious little ones need support to face the challenges of ongoing disruption and loss.

Love Bomb 2023 raised over $187,900 for the children of Ukraine and Uganda!

Love Bomb 2023

Love Bomb 2022 raised over $91,800 for the Afghan Refugee Care Project.

Love Bomb 2021 raised over $137,000 for these priority projects in Nigeria.

Where Story Clubs Double as Sanctuaries

The humanitarian crisis in Nigeria is going into its eighth year. With nearly 46 percent of its population age nineteen and younger, the collapse of northern Nigeria’s education system has created a ready-made youth market for gangs and terrorist groups and pushed young girls into early marriage and childbirth. Into this dismal situation, EMCI (Education Must Continue Initiative) is establishing homeschools and study centers for refugee and internally displaced children.

Trained leaders are sharing the gospel with and discipling vulnerable school-age children using EMCI’s KidStory discipleship program along with delivering primary and secondary education in areas where forgotten children are concentrating and resettling. In Chibok, Lassa, and Yola, temporary tent classrooms are anchors for schooling, story clubs, sports, and supplemental meals.

When you partner with us to drop the love bomb in Nigeria, you’ll help expand the reach of academic and spiritual education programs, including providing training and translation services, desks for young students, a modest stipend for teachers, and sports and playground equipment.

One hundred percent of donations given to Reload Love during Love Bomb weekend will help bring spiritual, emotional, and physical healing to children impacted by terrorism in Nigeria and in other priority communities. Join the lovement to arm these children with hope

One hundred percent of donations given to Reload Love during Love Bomb weekend will help bring spiritual, emotional, and physical healing to children impacted by terrorism. Thank you for joining the lovement to arm these children with hope!