{ You Can Join the Lovement! }

We are the army of love. By transforming bullet casings into something beautiful, we help heal children.

*All donations are tax deductible

We arm children with hope!


We provide emergency supplies, food, academic programs, and safe spaces like shelter and play equipment for children victimized by terrorism. We provide relief, and we invite you to help us arm children with hope and healing!


Our Lovement is more than a name, a hashtag, a play on words. It is a group of people committed to give of their time, finances, and social reach in order to spread the word, and be a part of protecting – even saving – a child’s world.


From cuffs to necklaces and lapels to pendants, our jewelry is intended to act as a symbol of God’s redeeming love for children oppressed by terrorism. Partner with us by purchasing our jewelry or donating spent bullet casings.


Terrorism traumatizes children throughout the world. Recovery demands that we acknowledge these harsh realities and replace them with a new normal: safety.

Join the Lovement

An honest look at the devastation terrorism inflicts upon children around the world demands not just our attention, but our action.

Beauty from Bullets

We raise awareness and funding by melting down spent bullet casings and up-cycling them into beautiful brass pieces.